Front Row: Sam Boggio, John Shirley, Jeremy DeVries
2nd Row: Wayne Egbert, Toni Berg, Judy Watson, Sherri Kenney, Ryan Stefak
3rd Row: Rob Kelley, Jessica Kenney, Bob Watson
Not pictured: Adam Berg, Dell Despain, Todd Stapleton, Murray Porter, Matt Clawson
Ok guys. I wouldn’t normally post the sucker fish, but I thought you’d appreciate being on our blog. I know you’re proud of the photos, so here you go!
As always, you are all so much fun! Rebecca
Russ Craven caught this beauty on a streamer, 4/30/08. Welcome to our trifecta board Russ. Russ caught a fish on a dry fly, a streamer, and a nymph in one day. And what a fish this was! Congrats. 24″ Rainbow, 7 lbs.
Just another fabulous April afternoon on the Bighorn! A day that we will remember for a lifetime, thanks!
Eric, Bryan, Jeff, Larry, Kerry, Chris
On our annual outing to Xcalak, Mexico in December 2007, John caught THREE permit! What a trip! The fishing was awesome not only for the permit, but bonefish, some small tarpon and snook. Already booked for next year!